Our Mission is to provide the affordable and appropriate super speciality services to patients from small towns
India has some of the finest super speciality doctors, but most of them are located in urban super speciality hospitals, whereas their need is in small towns that house almost 70% of the patients who need super speciality services.
With a cloud-based software, embedded with 18 unique features complying to the international standards of digital clinic platform, Rxpert Super Speciality E-Clinic is too simple for any busy doctor comply with.
We have already empaneled, some prominent super speciality doctors in different disciplines. And we are in the continuous process of adding more doctors into our network
Doctors of high calibre
Super speciality doctors empanelled with us are the alumni of some of the finest Indian & international medical schools. Their vast experience in handling the spectrum of human race across the globe makes them highly sought after to deal with even highly difficult medical challenges.
Doctors at both ends
With the qualified doctor at town/village level besides the patient, it is easy for the super specialist to conduct the clinical examination on and take the cognizance of the patients and their medical history, to advocate a right course of medical or surgical intervention.
Professional support staff
Qualified pharmacists and paramedical staff engaged to coordinate the digital clinic calls, make the interface between the doctors and patients from both sides so lively that every tele-consultation results into a logical conclusion in the best interest of the patient.
Electronic Medical Record
Quite comprehensive unique electronic medical record (EMR) relieves the patients from carrying loads of medical reports every time they visit the doctor, as this EMR which is specific to each individual patient makes a permanent referral source for any subsequent medical manifestations.
Appointment at convenience
Super speciality doctor appointment for a digital clinic call anytime between zero and twentyfour hours makes it far easier for the patients who otherwise would have to undertake the tiresome travel for many miles to reach out to the same doctors in city hospitals.
Save money and time
By cutting down majority of the non-medical expenses which are otherwise incurred during a personal visit of the patient to super speciality doctor in city, the compliance of the patients increases as many of them find it too convenient to consult the doctors from their town.
e-Clinic Speciality Services
Rxpert Super Speciality E-Clinic offers all major super speciality services through digital clinic platform by linking the small town primary physicians with city-based super speciality doctors.